1881(*) Linear associative algebra, Amer. J. Math., 4, 97–215. Also (C.S. Peirce, editor) in book form, New York, 1882.
         this was published posthumously and is the 1870 material  
1881(*) Ideality in the physical sciences, (J. M. Peirce, ed.), Boston: Little, Brown.
        also a posthumous publication, although by a different son.
1980  Benjamin Peirce: Father of Pure Mathematics in America  (I. Bernard Cohen, ed.), New York: Arno Press.
Archibald, R.C. 1925. [ed.], Benjamin Peirce, American Mathematical Monthly, 32: 1–30; repr. Oberlin, Ohio.: Math. Assoc. America
Archibald, R.C. 1927. Benjamin Peirce's linear associative algebra and C.S. Peirce, American Mathematical Monthly, 34: 525–527.
Kent, D. 2005. Benjamin Peirce and the promotion of research-level mathematics in America: 1830–1880. Dissertation, Univ. of Virginia
Grattan-Guinness, I. 1988. Living together and living apart: on the interactions between mathematics and logics from the French
    Revolution to the First World War, South African journal of philosophy, 7/2: 73–82. 
Grattan-Guinness, I. 1997. Benjamin Peirce's Linear associative algebra (1870): new light on its preparation and publication
Hogan, E. 1991.  “A proper spirit is abroad”: Peirce, Sylvester, Ward, and American mathematics, Historia mathematica, 18: 158–172
Hogan, E. 2008. Of the human heart. A biography of Benjamin Peirce, Bethlehem: Lehigh University press.
King, M. 1881. (Ed.), Benjamin Peirce. A memorial collection, Cambridge, Mass.: Rand, Avery. 
Novy, L. 1974, Benjamin Peirce's concept of linear algebra, Acta historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum (Special Issue)
Peterson, S. R. 1955. Benjamin Peirce: mathematician and philosopher, Journal of the history of ideas, 16: 89–112.
Pycior, H. 1979. Benjamin Peirce's linear associative algebra, Isis, 70: 537–551.
Shaw, J. B. 1907. Synopsis of linear associative algebra. A report on its natural development and results reached to the present time
Walsh, A. 2000. Relationships between logic and mathematics in the works of Benjamin and Charles S. Peirce, Ph. D. thesis,
Middlesex University.
V F Lenzen, Benjamin Peirce and the U.S. Coast Survey (San Francisco, 1968).
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