2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 6,053,193 6,819,284 6,827,344
People/arable sq km 1463 1648 1500
Babies dying 2,534 2,854 2,778
AIDS - adults 1,106 2,062 1,677
Starving children < 5 29,564 33,305 21,977
Illiterate adults 385,165 433,911 369,905
Unemployed adults 1,090,664 1,228,699 1,079,608
Living in poverty 1,464,873 1,650,267 1,481,534
Drinking unclean water 544,787 613,736 546,188
No Sanitation access 423,724 477,350 375,504
Patients per doctor 531 598 543
Internet users 796,900 1,739,220 4,673,485
Cellular phones 4,343,000 8,322,052 9,762,696
Inflation 6.20% 7.40% 5.90%
GDP per capita US$ 5,100 6,840 6,880
Trade balance MM$ -5,056 -7,229 -7,126
Government spending -1,028 -4,480 -984
Reserves 6,979 3,859 3,852
Currency rate to US $ .709 .709 .709
External debt 7,628 8,842 8,142
The critical route for Jordan is in red. It is possible to construct routes that avoid Jordan completely (eastern purple route or moving the northern purple route entirely into Syria).  Likewise, the red route can be shifted west so that it is entirely within Israel.
No maglevs, no Jordan. It is that simple.  Were we advising the Crown Prince, we'd say go wild on solar arrays on the sunny,flat areas and biofuels like Jatropha on marginal land to create jobs and lessen petro-dependence.  