2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 6,036,914 6,819,284 6,827,344
People/arable sq km 1463 .0419 1500
Babies dying 2,534 3,331 2,778
AIDS - adults 1,106 18,835 1,677
Starving children < 5 29,564 33,572 21,977
Illiterate adults 385,165 655,464 369,905
Unemployed adults 1,090,664 1,277,025 1,079,608
Living in poverty 1,464,873 1,050,423 1,481,534
Drinking unclean water 544,787 603,691 546,188
No Sanitation access 423,724 482,953 375,504
Patients per doctor 7690 598 543
Internet users 205,000 1,739,220 4,673,485
Cellular phones 234,800 8,322,052 9,762,696
Inflation 3.10% 7.40% 5.90%
GDP per capita US$ 12,700 6,840 6,880
Trade balance MM$ 22,500 -7,229 -7,126
Government spending 14,040 -4,480 -984
Reserves 57,480 3,859 3,852
Currency rate to US $ 1.3108 .709 .709
External debt 4,492 8,842 8,142
Aside from the occasional splatter of desert glass finding its way into a Pharoah's jewels, and the possibility of oil and precious metal deposits near the fascinating craters (Oasis and BP structures in Libya; Gweni-Fada in Chad) and crater chain (Aorounga in Chad) much of the southern 90% of Libya is really well-suited to lots of solar arrays. Once these have slowed desertification, plantations of Jatropha on marginal lands produces renewable bio-fuel and jobs. Libya would also profit by connecting the economies of Niger and Chad to the Mediterranean and the world. We think it is too late for Darfur.