2007 2012- no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 33,333,216 37,092,118 37,273,969
People/arable sq km 406 451 165
Babies dying 21,556 23,987 16,081
AIDS - adults 11,090 57,675 65,550
Starving children < 5 192,599 178,599 143,579
Illiterate adults 6,812,609 7,580,850 5,542,676
Unemployed adults 3,553,421 3,954,131 2,075,340
Living in poverty 8,333,304 9,273,030 6,150,205
Drinking unclean water 4,333,318 4,821,975 2,795,548
No Sanitation access 2,666,657 2,967,369 1,304,589
Patients per doctor 1,413 1,573 1,483
Internet users 2,460,000 5,368,906 14,426,871
Cellular phones 20,998,000 40,236,344 47,201,723
Inflation 2.6% 2.7% 2.5%
GDP per capita US$ 7,600 9,600 10,500
Trade balance MM$ 32,550 36,125 42,536
Government spending 16,420 3,025 22,943
Reserves 78,210 95,717 97,130
Currency rate to US $ 72.647 72.295 72.151
External debt 4,413 -1,988 -5.861
Note that figures like babies dying are annual - so in 5 years 19,000 or more babies would  live past age 12 months. We have no idea why one would choose not to count starving children ages 5 to 14.  Trade balance is exports - imports. Yes, we did check and re-check the cellular phone estimates.