2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 80,335,036 87,489,936 87,584,582
People/arable sq km 2,360 2,570 2,189
Babies dying 61,048 66,485 59,789
AIDS - adults 26,909 43,129 35,426
Starving children < 5 798,209 869,300 773,547
Illiterate adults 14,520,718 15,813,981 13,616,950
Unemployed adults 5,229,490 5,695,245 4,594,337
Living in poverty 16,067,007 17,497,987 15,327,302
Drinking unclean water 1,606,701 1,749,799 1,051,015
No Sanitation access 12,853,606 13,998,390 12,261,842
Patients per doctor 2,034 2,215 2,175
Internet users 6,000,000 13,094,892 35,187,491
Cellular phones 18,001,000 34,493,496 40,494,721
Inflation 7.70% 8.25% 6.90%
GDP per capita US$ 4,200 5,540 5,650
Trade balance MM$ -12,550 -18,854 -17,981
Government spending -8,470 -30,394 -8,690
Reserves 25,580 17,611 17,713
Currency rate to US $ 5.725 6.147 6.094
External debt 31,930 40,886 36,330
The results to the right were revised four years later(so 2007 instead of 2003) and include only the red maglev and the one spur to Aqaba (easternmost crossing of Sinai Peninsula) that continues to Mecca. While we preferred the maglev just west of the Nile, any one of the four north-south links from the various Sudans we thought might form would be very beneficial to Egypt.  