Greece Spain Iceland Ireland Portugal
Population 10,760,136 46,754,784 311,058 4,670,976 10,760,305
Capital city Athens Madrid Rejkjavik Dublin Lisbon
Percent 37.30% (1) 7.00% (2) 64.89% (3) 35.56% (4) 26.30% (5)
Literacy 96% 97.9% 99% 99% 93.3%
Inflation 4.5% 1.3% 5.5% -1.6% 1.1%
Currency rate 104.82% 104.82% 112.68% 104.82% 104.82%
Imports 44.900 324.600 3.677 70.360 68.220
Exports 21.140 268.300 4.619 115.700 46.270
Government revenues 114.500 515.800 4.810 68.700 93.610
Government expenses 142.900 648.600 5.673 135.100 110.200
Foreign assets 5.546 28.200 4.206 2.104 16.300
External debt 532.900 2166.000 3.073 2253.000 497.800
Patients per Doctor 166 286 269 321 273
AIDS cases 0.1% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.6%
Malaria cases 0 0 0 0 0
Employment 88% 80.0% 91.7% 86.3% 89.3%
oil imports bpd 520,900 1,716,000 16,390 160,900 323,000
infant mortality 0.5% 0.339% 0.320% 0.385% 0.466%
1. The Athens metro area population is 4,013,368 versus city population of 3,130,841
2. The Madrid metro area population is 3,273,049 versus city population of 6,458,684
3. The Reykjavik metro area population is 201,847 versus city population of 120,165
4. The Dublin metro area population is 1,661,185 versus city population of 506,211
5. The Lisbon metro area population is 2,830,867 versus city population of 564,657
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Percent is population capital city versus  country
Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal all use the Euro.
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Financial numbers in billions of US dollars.