Bay Point California 12/13/2016 Single Whip posture with weapons 
In the Chen Family style halberd set a posture like Single Whip occurs six (6) times in thirty moves so one can assume that the posture is effective as well as important. It takes considerable strength to move the kwan dao quickly, especially if only using one hand. Since the weapon is designed to cut through a horse's leg the attacker should be somewhat worried for his knee, ankle and thigh. The lower abdomen is very vulnerable to such a large blade. Usually, the thinking is one good slash with a kwan dao and the fight is over. Since I have deliberately chosen the stance (and practiced it six times every time I do the set) the attacker should consider that I think I can survive the high attack and that I have enough strength to overcome any resistance to my own low attack. It is not obvious I will bother to deflect the attacker's low blow. For the attacker dying second is not much of a victory. The Three Point Two Edge combines aspects of the Kwan Dao with a Fork or Trident. The symmetry of the head means a full attack surface is available during the counterattack. It would be deadly for the attacker to discover that I believed his throat was in range. Likewise, if either of these long weapons is used with both hands to block the high attack the blade is awfully close to the attacker's head and throat.     
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