
Measure 2006 2011
Population (nation) 3,086,859 3,359,185
Nouakchott population (*) 669,834 887,450
Nouadhibou population 83,188 112,320
Infant mortality 7.089% 5.893%
Literacy 32% 51.2%
Unemployment 21% 32%
Living in poverty 41% 42%
AIDS deaths 670 980
HIV + 11,600 (0.7%) 14,200
Malaria 262,144 275,815
Imports 860,000,000 2,633,000,000
Exports 541,000,000 2,745,000,000
TEUs 57,108 86,121
Government revenues 421,000,000 1,409,000,000
Government expenses 378,000,000 1,464,000,000
Inflation 7.3% 6.5%
External debts 2,500,000,000 2,791,000,000
Foreign reserves 0 325 million
Oil imported (barrels per day) 24,000 18,400 (**)
Electricity produced 202 million kWh 547 million
Electricity consumed 188 million kWh 509 million
Currency rate (to US dollar) 263 273
Cell phones 300,000 2,745,000
Internet users 10,000 75,000

 (*) = The population of Nouakchott in particular is very difficult to count as the borders of the city vary as the desert advances. There are also probably as many as 100,000 nomads who live in the Nouakchott area on an intermittent basis. We believe there are 435 doctors working in Mauritania. If that is close, it would 7700 patients per doctor.
(**) = There are supposed to be reserves of about 28 Billion cubic meters of natural gas. Whether the Banda field, located 12 miles east of Nouakchott (may contain natural gas reserves of 3-5 trillion cubic feet) can be exploited is not clear. Mauritania is currently producing 11,600 barrels of oil per day mostly from the Chinguetti oilfield
which is located offshore 56 miles southwest of Nouakchott. The Tiof oilfield, which is located 16 miles north, is being developed.  The bulk of this is exported (10,000 barrels) - domestic consumption is 20,000 barrels per day, leaving 18,400 barrels per day to be imported.