In the position above Black's c pawn (inside the red highlighted square) is considered backward
relative to the advanced a and b pawns to the reader's left. I was pleased to observe that a and b
could stand for Argentina and Brazil, while the c could be considered a rotated u for Uruguay. In
any case, on move 24 (shown here) the status of the c pawn begins to change dramatically. It
enters the battle by moving ahead two squares to the empty red highlighted square just vacated by
the White bishop. Black has two challenges: (1) his Kingside dark squares are weak, there are no
defenders and the White queen and rook on the f file are very ominous and (2) one does not win
(or draw) games by keeping pieces on the first rank.

White cannot let Black develop pieces or the sacrifice will have been in vain, so the attack starts
immediately: on move 25 White advances his f pawn aiming to give his major pieces a field of fire.