Before explaining the details of the ACCESS plan as proposed by our celebrated
NILGAI application software on the previous page, we offer an exciting and
economical alternative known around the office as the ML/M plan. This abbreviation
without a slash is often used to refer to the dubious practice of multi-level marketing.
We use ML/M to mean "Mandarin Language over Mathematics". We simulated the
removal of all mathematics courses from elementary and high schools. In addition to
saving the cost of hundreds of thousands of teacher salaries, the time currently
allocated to struggling with numbers real and imaginary could be devoted to learning
to read, write and speak Mandarin via the Internet. This would give new meaning to
the phrase "English as a Second Language".  
Since we can always downgrade English and replace mathematics, or another subject such as
science or history, with Mandarin, what we and NILGAI suggest in the
All Children and Citizens
Educated in Superior Schools plan is:

1. 48 weeks (so four 12 week quarters) with optional classes on Saturdays and longer school days;
2. a 10:1 student to teacher ratio where we define teachers (as opposed to instructors or
researchers) as a masters degree in an academic discipline and a second master's degree in
3. prompt reporting of universal quarterly testing in 7 subjects (the eighth, religion, is optional)
4. a goal of graduating college and having a full-time job - with affordable health coverage
5. dropouts and those excused or missing the quarterly test get a zero
6. everyone has an individual digital education plan
7. Replacement of school API scores with statistics by subject area, grade and teacher describing
achievement both per plan goals and by test.
These pages may be referenced as http://tinyurl.com/y6co56p