As faithful readers and education news hawks have likely read, school districts across
Missouri will see a 2 percent reduction in state aid this year under an appropriations
bill signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jay Nixon. Currently, the reduction will be felt by
all 524 districts despite the bill exempting 153 districts, including several in our
favorite metro - the Kansas City area. Given California's extreme districity, our policy
is to maintain discrete silence about how other states organize their schools. The bill
directs $86 million to school aid — enough to cover the decline in revenue, but about
$43 million short of what is needed according to the state’s formula for distributing
aid. The Kansas City School District, which also would have been exempt, now faces a
$2.9 million reduction.
By following through on the administration’s plan, we support our local schools, our dedicated
teachers and the students they serve.”  Rep. Maynard Wallace, a Republican from Thornfield and
chairman of the Missouri House education committee.

We have written to several comrades in virtual arms who are long-time Missouri residents in hopes
they can explain how a cut is support. If a rational basis can be found, we see great applicability for
that concept here in California and nationwide.