I-MAG STS Corporation
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For several hundred years in America there was an odd fascination with melanin
expression. The hypothesis was that the more melanin one produced the lower one's intelligence must be. Oddly, even
though albinism has several causes, no one pointed out that humans with very light skin have not been top contributors in any area of human endeavor. We
know of no (zero) world-class albino mathematicians, poets, physicists, biologists or historians. The only musicians that come to mind are brothers
Edgar and Johnny Winter. Yet, in the 1960s a sort of genteel genocide was visited on the children of America because some genius was convinced long bus rides made you smarter. Apartheid in America was wrong, but there's certainly no evidence packing children on buses twice a day allowed us to beat Russia to the Moon. ELAND recognizes that physically
attending class may convey some 
socialization. But this is the 21st century and, courtesy the Internet, one ought to be able to attend a virtual classroom
anywhere at any time.
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