45. Next would be to purchase a pilot configuration: something like an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi, an interface board and some location sensors. A technical shopping list from someone who knows leeks from onions is needed.
46. Indications are that two hubs (one as backup) might suffice for a class of 16 students. Error reporting for sensors, garments and hubs is needed and an ability to interpolate misses, data drops and so on.
47. Work remains to be done on how to keep cameras focused on a student as the student moves. This would normally be one person if studying at home and as many as sixteen people at once if attending a class.
48. One assumption is the timestamps on the video and from the sensors can be synchronized at least to the movement so SAITO could report that the White Crane Spreads Wings movement started 76 seconds in and finished was at 89 seconds.
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