27. With a stable design we would record a grandmaster, almost certainly Chen Zhenglei, in one or more Pi Shas of his choosing, doing all 16 of the canonical sets in our collegiate curricula.
28. Once he is satisfied, we would use the video portion of these recordings as what would be projected in class on mirrors or on smart glasses.
29. Students being graded would be filmed wearing a similar Pi Sha (colors can vary by class).
30. We would use part of the SAITO software to compare the sensors' description of students' movements to the grandmaster's movements and provide a score.
31. Current international standards specify the number of movements per set. For example, Lao Jia (= Old Frame), the signature unarmed set, has 74 movements. The standards describe the order as well as how to award or penalize per movement on a scale from zero (did not do) to four (perfect).
32. Students would get feedback on what to practice at home, or at least what to focus on next class.
33. Teachers get detailed insights for what to correct in each student as well as general idea of what movements might need to be re-taught.
34. Grandmasters and masters can supervise teachers and be confident that the art will remain pure.
35. Social workers can monitor progress without knowing anything about tai chi chuan or much else.
36. Since the same sets are done in the same order each class the stream of digital scores gives parents and physicians a statistical anchorpoint for quantitative analysis of whether changes to diet, medications, sleep or logistics were optimal. If the scores go up, the decision was right.
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