Events associated with the Tambora eruption (red triangle) - proving causality is tough but ...
The volume of the ejected rock, ash and gases has been estimated to be 160 cubic kilometers (slightly less than 40 cubic miles). As 
Mount Tambora is still active (there have been hundreds of small earthquakes, indicative of lava moving, since April and the threat
level was raised to 2 in August and to 3 in September) we will respectfully note that the April 5-10 1815 eruption was more powerful than 
even the Baitoushan (border of North Korea and China) event around 1000 AD and the Taupo (New Zealand) event in 186. A cone of
rock almost a mile high was blasted into the atmosphere. Besides local pyroclastic flows and tsunamis, among the effects were:
Less than 12,000 Indonesians immediately killed by lava or poison gas; perhaps as many as 60,000 died of disease or starvation;
Planet wide cooling (from half a degree to a degree and a half) - snow in June in many locations in North America so that the period was
described as the year without a summer; 1816 was the coldest winter since 1601 when Huaynaputina erupted in Peru;
a typhus epidemic started in southern Europe; a cholera epidemic started in Bengal; there were catastrophic livestock and crop losses
world-wide; and there was rioting, arson and looting across Europe and Asia. Simulations of a repeat of the Tambora event today show
human losses in the tens of millions in Indonesia alone with economic damage of 8 trillion dollars inflicted on the rest of the planet.
© 2018 Peter F. Zoll. All rights reserved.
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