Weapons - Racks -
The pen being mightier than the sword, according to some, a bookcase was called for. Three books by Chen Zhenglei at the top left with space for the fourth and fifth (which have arrived in early 2016). Versions of the books in English and
Chinese are at www.chenzhenglei.com.
The next shelf (below and left) has tall books including several by Ted Mancuso [www.plumpub.com] and Jan Diepersloot [www.warriorsofstillness.com]. Top shelf right a lot of old Zatoichi movies (on VHS - destined for DVD conversion) as well as six old tapes on Pa Kua (Bagua) by Jerry Alan Johnson (www.daoistmagic.com) and also (www.qigongmedicine.com) - the Pa Kua DVDs are in the bookstore section]. The second shelf on the left has books by Mark Salzman and David Lowry, among others. The third shelf down on the right (black VHS tapes) are old copies of the Living Treasures of China series by Vincent Lynch (www.onehand.com) - as far as I know the last recordings (volumes 60, 61 and 62) were from the China Camps hosted by Master George Xu in 2005 and 2007.

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