Prelude #46
Theme: Hexagram:
  F major    Sheng "climbing, ascending, moving upward"

Eyebrow height staff is the fourth weapon set we teach. As staff is generally the most tactile of the weapons we encourage students to try the various materials so that they can decide between synthetics like graphite and the various types of wood - white oak, red oak, rattan and so on. In the past it was possible to order staffs with octagonal and hexagonal cross sections but we fear their construction may be a dying art. Here's a video of Sifu Patti Li (Hao Zhihua) doing wushu staff - too vigorous for our students but we could not resist adding a link to the video
It could be argued that "Five Tigers Capture the Sheep" is really a set set from Shaolin or perhaps some other long fist. However, the late Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou recorded it, and that's good enouigh for us.

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