Human Genetics - 2019

primary key: ky_gene_synonym_id integer
cc_synonym_source Character; Maximum length = 2 (database that has the synonym)
                                     see note 1
ch_gene_name Character; Maximum length = 20 (see note 2)
ch_synonym_name Character; Maximum length = 20
primary key: ky_syndrome_synonym_id integer
cc_synonym_source Character; Maximum length = 2
ch_syndrome_name Character; Maximum length = 80
cc_synonym_name_language Character; Maximum length = 2
ky_syndrome_id integer
1. column names with a prefix of cc indicate a corresponding entry in the common code
table. This allows display of a field to vary with the user's language
2. For the most part, a length of 12 characters suffices for gene names. An opportunity
for a standard. Note that some thought might be given to representation in other
alphabets such as Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew and the vast family of Brahmic scripts as well
as logographic scripts such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
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