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We were interested in several aspects of how well ORIBI and its fellow antelopes performed on a variety of platforms. We are reporting results for a netbook, a tablet, an Ultrabook and a desktop all running Windows 7 as well as another Ultrabook running an early release (build 8400 - the Community Technical Preview) of Windows 8. All machines are powered by Intel chips.

We have a rough regression equation that we use to predict elapsed time for ORIBI and others based on the hardware configuration. A recurring fantasy is to inform a user before launching a major computation run and offer a choice (with estimated run times) of how many threads to use. This could be extended to execution in the cloud. Note that we try to have only the OS and the anti-virus software running during our tests. This is likely not very realistic, as we'd imagine many users would have all sorts of other things going on. However, it does make for such simpler analysis.