
Measure 2006 2011
Population (nation) 33,241,259 32,309,239
Casablanca metro population  3,215,753  3,841,793
Rabat metro population 1,702,964  1,943,681
Infant mortality 4.24% 2.649%
Literacy 51.7% 52.3%
Unemployment 10.5% 9.2%
Living in poverty 19% 16%
AIDS deaths 2050 2400
HIV + 32,600 35,900
Malaria 12,072  0
Imports 18,150,000,000 39,420,000,000
Exports 9,472,000,000 20,520,000,000
TEUs 507,994 597,232
Government revenues 12,940,000,000 26,000,000,000
Government expenses 16,770,000,000 31,940,000,000
Inflation 2.1% 1.9%
External debts 15,600,000,000 28,080,000,000
Foreign reserves 16,200,000,000 21,920,000,000
Oil imported (barrels per day) 158,000 220,000
Natural gas imported 650 million 500 million
Electricity produced 17.35 billion kWh 19.5 billion
Electricity consumed 17.58 billion kWh 21.5 billion
Currency rate (to US dollar) 8.865 8.081
Cell phones 9,336,900 32,000,000
Internet users 3,500,000 13,200,000

 We believe there about 20,000 doctors working in Morocco. If that is close, it would 1600 patients per doctor.
 A reasonable goal would be 400 patients per doctor. We note the eradication of malaria.