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From the African Junior Championships of 2007/8. After a somewhat tangled Queen's
Gambit Accepted White plans to play his e pawn up two squares (red outlined squares) and
then, when the threatened Black Bishop retreats, capture the Black pawn on c4. While
White decides whether to try for a further e-pawn push to chase the defending knight as a
prelude to an attack on the Black Kingside or perhaps some other plan, White expects Black
will almost certainly mobilize his Queenside pawn majority.
Were White to play h4 after the Bishop retreats to g6 Black must play either h6 or even h5 to
save the Bishop. Black may not especially care for this position, as he would in effect be
playing without his white-squared Bishop, so Chiletso Chipanga has other plans. A bit of
Malawi-on-Malawi fireworks ensues.