At move 34 White abruptly shifts his focus to the Queenside and Black's meagerly defended
King. Black drops his Queen back to defend the Black b pawn and to draw a bead on the
White b pawn. After his Bishop takes at b2 Black can threaten mate by playing the Bishop to
a1 or c1. White is not without resources: 35. Qd3 threatens the a pawn (b pawn is pinned) as
well as the undefended d pawn and prepares for Bd5 to pile on the b pawn. Black's reply is
forced. If Qa6 then e4 with many complications. Bishops of opposite color endgames are
notoriously difficult to win - this one is no exception. After several more thrusts and parries
a draw.  And the relevance? Think of the Kings as the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi.