Five students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill  in southern Santa Clara County wore American
flag-themed clothing during their school's Cinco de Mayo celebration. Three students went home
rather than turn their shirts inside out as asked by that school's administrators. We do not generally
pay any mind to what clothes people wear. Of course, had the five students been wearing shirts
featuring Fermat and a short proof of his famed Last Theorem, we would have been upset.

Just to clarify,
Live Oak School District in Santa Cruz County is mostly elementary and middle
schools. It does have an elementary school (preschool plus K-5) named the Live Oak Elementary
School. It does NOT have a traditional high school, but has a charter high school named Cypress with
127 students located at 2039 Merrill Street in the city of Santa Cruz. There are fourteen schools that
we know of in California named Live Oak.  

Cypress: API 745 (up 73 from last year!); 0% advanced in Geometry; 13% proficient.

Live Oak High (Morgan Hill): API 719 (up 8 from last year);; 0% advanced in Geometry; 7% proficient.

Live Oak High (Sutter County): API 764 (up 32 from last year); 1% advanced in Geometry; 11%

Live Oak Alternative (Sutter County): no API published; no geometry scores

Live Oak Continuation High (Antioch): no API published; no geometry scores
We were at the Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco. There was a lot of talk about
real-time updating; connectivity and all that. Two of the demo sessions we went to
were about portfolio management. Maybe we were just in the wrong sessions, but not
one mention all day of the Dow Jones crash. That about says it all. To be fair, some of
the HTML 5 stuff, especially from Kaazing, was  interesting - unfortunately, it means
HTML is just barely getting to where we thought it needed to be originally.