At 318 square miles (820 square kilometers) Kansas City is the largest
city in the state of Missouri. It includes parts of Jackson, Clay, Cass, and
Platte counties. The Kansas City Metropolitan Area, second largest in
Missouri, overflows into the state of Kansas. About a year ago the US
Census  decided they had underestimated the populations of both the
city and the metro area. While awaiting the 2010
counts we are using a
city population figure of 480,129 and a metro area figure of 2,053,928.

Since earthquakes, epidemics, locusts and other calamities need no
visas (meaning they ignore political boundaries) our NILGAI software
pays very little attention to the boundaries we humans impose with
such effort. It is not uncommon for school districts to be defined to
include parts or all of more than one county, although Kansas City is an
extreme case. In more ways than one, as we shall see.       

Selected lines from Rudyard Kipling's
Tommy Atkins

'But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll ...

O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind ...

For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot'

With apologies to Kipling, when a district like Kansas City Missouri
Schools announces the closing of 28 of its 61 schools they (and we) are
well past trouble in the wind and even drums rolling. The guns have
indeed begun to shoot. The 93rd Highlanders held off a massive Russian
cavalry tsunami at Balaklava - this stubborness led to the coining of the
phrase 'thin red line of heroes'.  To be sure, the 93rd had some help from
the Heavy Brigade's counter-charge (more details in the Inspirations
section).  To see what NILGAI thinks of Kansas City's chances click --->
Kansas City is known as "City
of Fountains" - Crown Center
shown abov
e. Kansas City has
been slammed by floods,
levelled by tornados,
battered by ice storms and
parched by the sun.
Evidently living in Kansas
City takes a certain courage.

That's good, because as
versatile as our NILGAI
software is, it cannot instill

Courage of the heart, in our
experience, is, alas, very rare.
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