For Kansas City schools in particular, and a lot of school districts in
general, the effect of closing some schools now and probably some schools
in 2011 in our models is indeed a tautochrone. That's bad, as it implies
that regardless of whether one closes a few schools, some schools or even
all the schools, the school district will crash. The only difference seems to
be how well surviving private schools cope with different numbers of
students flooding in. No one should think for a moment that individual
scores will surge, so if the accounting is attonomic (the lowest level of
aggregation is student and subject as opposed to school), our models
clearly indicate an overall decline in such scores for two or more years.

Some naval historians have pointed out that had the Confederacy built
more ships faster; not lost time having to, in effect, dig a canal to get the
Tennessee into the bay; or had Admiral Buchanan attacked with Tennessee
sooner  and coordinated the attack, the Battle of Mobile Bay could have
ended very differently. It is conjectured that without a Union victory at
Mobile Bay Vicksburg might have held, and Lincoln might not have been
re-elected. Alas, there is nowhere near enough accurate data for our
CHIRU application to tackle the 1864 election simulations.

We are reasonably certain had
Tennessee attacked sooner, and had higher
quality powder and guns, it would have been very costly for the Union
ships. The key point of any so-called civil war is no one really wins.

Notwithstanding all the hypothetical situations, it should be clear that
there was great valor on both sides.

Our advice to Kansas City:

1. be thoughtful how you vote. But, by all means, vote

2. consider solar in lieu of closing schools and firing teachers

3. be very careful how you measure success or failure  

4. there is a lot to be recommended in Mobile's tactics of extra classes
whether at night, weekends or even early mornings.

5. fighting each other was a luxury Kansas City could not afford then

6. If you are a student, study hard. The city you save will be yours.

7. Besides the great mathematicians previously mentioned, tautochrones
and cycloids and brachistochrones have been worked on by Galilei Galileo,
Christian Huygens, Joseph Lagrange, Neils Abel and Leonhard Euler. In
California we call that pretty fast company.

8. "Never mind the mines - flank speed"
It might be a good
pastime to construct a
cycloidal fountain such
that colored objects
started from different
points end up at the
bottom at the same time.

It would be a better
entertainment if Kansas
City were to build a
cycloidal arch.

But the best monument
would be 20,000
graduates going to