It certainly would be
forward-thinking were
Congressman George Miller,
Chairman of the Education
Committee, and whose
district includes the John
Swett Unified schools, to
promote a law that LOANS
school districts money to buy
and install solar panels and
batteries. JSU would avoid
contributing to local and
state unemployment by
saving teachers' jobs, but
could actually hire more
teachers to push those APIs
toward 800. There would be more work for panel and battery makes as well as installers. The United
States would have cleaner air, would spend less on imported oil and would not have to upgrade
ancient refineries. JSU might produce a few students who go on to become doctors and nurses so that
the recently passed health care reform does not fail for lack of professionals.

On May 13, 1940 Winston Churchill addressed the House of Commons and said,"I would say to the
House as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears
and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long
months of struggle and of suffering." The phrase had been coined, as far as we can discover, by
Theodore Roosevelt in an address to the United States Naval War College on June 2, 1897, following
his appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

NILGAI has less lofty aims and suggests light, toil, maybe a few tears and Swett.