Let's say about 75,000 in the public colleges on the previous page and 50,000 from what
we called scalable universities. That leaves community colleges, private colleges  and
other schools to absorb 250,000 freshman. Today, half of graduating high school
seniors go to college and 60% of those go to a community college. In addition, about
15% of students studying in California are from overseas or out of state.

We do not currently have stable solutions for what happens to the proportion of
California students who choose to go to college out of state.

So, in answer to our reader, yes, we are looking at doubling the number of freshman
state-wide. Where will teachers and classrooms and money and JOBS and all that be
found?  Stay tuned. More to follow. Hint: we do not think much of 300 person chemistry
classes. Or teaching by graduate students.