Dear I-MAG STS: 1. Does your "last" name stand for Save the Schools or Schooling
Through Solar?
No, alas, it was originally meant to stand for Super Train System. Sadly,
California cannot afford to build maglevs - in all our years working with  mega-models
that was ALWAYS a very bad sign. It is distressing to be lumped in with
2. Suppose several miracles occur and because of solar and a lot of hard
work the dropout rate fades and lots more teenagers want to go to college. Where
will they be able to go?
In round numbers, let's say that there are seven million
children in California schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. Right now, about
six million are in public schools; 600,000 in private schools and 400,000 in charters.
Unless private school enrollments skyrocket, the mix does not matter very much.  
Maybe 800,000 seniors are completing high school with a worthless diploma.  Where  to?
We define a university a little differently than everyone else. We'd still like the school
to grant doctoral degrees  and have dormitories BUT we also require that the school be
able to add one thousand freshman. Note that Cal Tech and Stanford are private, so
they cannot be coerced into expanding. But they both have enough clever people who
could see the advantages of doing so. By the way, with diligence, Admitted numbers can
be used as something of benchmark for how good a job high schools are doing. We
do NOT recommend the practice. Enrolled gives a reasonable measure of capacity.