Faithful readers, and likely anyone with more insight than the average
sunflower (
Helianthus annuus - the official flower of the State of Kansas in
addition to the Legions of the Light) will object that (1) making one
number (the geometry score) stand for a whole school and all the students
in it is absurd, even for a statistician (2) closing schools and firing
teachers will have a terrible impact on Butte County's economy (3) as it
turns out, Butte County is not atypical of American counties so this
strategy, if scaled up, will crater a goodly number of the not very united
States of America.

As it happens, ALL sunflowers are quite a bit more intelligent than one
might assume at first glance. Sunflowers already understand how to
convert solar energy (and water and soil and air) into more sunflowers
and look good while they are doing it. No wilting violets they, sunflowers
extract toxic ingredients like lead and arsenic from soil - there has been a
massive program to plant sunflowers throughout areas impacted by

In geometry there is a general class of curves known as Archimedean
spirals. In particular, the Fermat or parabolic spiral is given by the polar
equation r² = a² θ where r is a radius and theta is an angle. Often
sunflowers are made up of two sets of spirals: 34 in one direction and 55 in
the other. This provides a very efficient packing of the sunflower seeds.

With tongue firmly in cheek, we hypothesize that the ultimate collapse of
Mayan civilization was not due to inter-urban wars or Spanish tourists or
even allowing a plant once native to Central America to spread north and
south to competing empires. Rather, it was the apparent failure of Mayan
mathematicians to realize the intrinsic complexities of  sunflowers.