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Besides wood, machinery and equipment, metals, textiles and food,
over the years Latvia has produced chess grandmasters of  
international stature including Mikhail Tal (World Champion
1960-61), Aron Nimzowitsch, the late Janis Klovans (Latvian
champion nine times between 1954 and 1986 and three times World
Senior Champion), Edmar Mednis, Aivars Gipslis, Aleksander
Wojkiewicz, Edvins Kengis, Evgeny Sveshnikov and Laura Rogule,
among many.   Shown below left is the opening known as the Latvian
Gambit. Instead of defending his e pawn Black counterattacks by
leaving two pawns hanging.
We would assert that in chess and in life, for every gambit, there is a counter-gambit. The
Latvian Counter Gambit is shown above right. So far, best for Black seems to be f x e5.