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Historical Richter
7.0 or greater. The
northern orange
dot was an
estimated 7.0 (6.6
in some sources;
400 dead mostly
in Torrevieja and
3/21/1829, while
the red dot was
also a 7.0 (7.9 in
some sources) on
3/29/1954. The
event was a 7.7 on
10/10/1980. There
are a lot more
Moroccans and
Algerians today.
For the two readers who asked about seismic danger for Spanish
nuclear reactors: as far as we know, there are no plans to finish
the build-out of Regodola or Lemoniz on the Bay of Biscay. We
have some concerns about Vandellós II (near Tarragona) -
Vandellós I is being dismantled. Of course, Spain is a natural for
solar power.