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Historical Richter
7.0 or greater. 11 of
16 either on coasts
on in deep water. Of
some interest for
fans of lacustrine
tsunamis is the
yellow dot on the
southern shore of
Lake Managua. The
earthquake of
12/23/1972 was at
the northern end of
the lake and a mere
6.2 but only 5
kilometers deep and
right underneath
the city. 5,000
killed; 20,000
injured and
250,000 homeless.  
Some comments about the Managua earthquake of 1972: none of the four main hospitals were usable; a
great deal of fire-fighting equipment was destroyed or damaged, which increased fire damage; large
portions of the city were without both electricity and water for weeks; there were serious problems
distributing aid. It is fair to say the disaster and the response to it brought down the Samoza government.
The core of the city has never really been rebuilt.