Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
- several years after
winning the World
Junior Championship in
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One hardly need be the highest rated French chess grandmaster,
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (pictured at right), to see that a tsunami
striking northern France would leave the country in a difficult
position. In the game above Vachier-Lagrave as Black was playing
the very talented America Robert Hess. Observe that Black's
advance of his King Pawn cuts off the White Queen; starts to
activate the Black Bishop and begins the pawn storm. If the bishop
takes at e2 on move 32 the wave of pawns is stopped, but Black still
plays Qh6 with threats of QxR at c1; Qh1+ and Qf4+. If the next
FIDE championship cycle in 2014 is arranged more smoothly than
the current series of matches, we expect great things of both