We turn briefly to KUDUS, a sister application in the DEEDS ABIDE suite (named in honor
of the esteemed French mathematician Cauchy). In most countries production of a mineral
such as nickel, even at $24,000 per ton, rarely dominates the gross domestic product. Cuba
has a population of 11.5 million. Gross Domestic Product is not a favored measure of ours:
Cuba's is estimated at $114 billion US if one uses purchasing power parity but closer to $60
billion US at what passes for an official exchange rate. Cuban exports are about $3.3 billion
probably half of which is nickel. Whether Cuba could or should sell more nickel to cover its
$7 billion trade imbalance is not easy to answer. New Caledonia is a more extreme example.
It has more than 250,000 people. GDP is about $3 billion. Exports are almost all nickel and
are listed at only 1.3 billion (at current prices should be easily double that).  The $700
million trade deficit is made up for by tourism revenues and by subsidies from France.