For France, a major marine seismic event in either the eastern Bay of Biscay or the western
Mediterranean would be painful, but not catastrophic. Seismic events in either the
southern North Sea or the extended Celtic Sea (roughly the area south of Ireland and west
of France) are a whole different bottle of Calvados. We did run a large number of
simulations (the red dots represent epicenters - the calculation effort was far greater than
the dot size would indicate) to determine what effects earthquakes and tsunamis would
have on the Chunnel, the nuclear power plants along the northern coast, France's
electricity production and port logistics. In many scenarios, KLIPSPRINGER predicts that
casualties will exceed one million. We view the possibility of such a dreadful  disaster as
slim. However, given the condition of the French economy in particular and the European
economy in general, it is fair to say such a Black Swan could hardly come at a worse time.
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