I-MAG STS   2012
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The current estimates are only estimates but a low figure for the United States ALONE is 11,000,000. And that does NOT count
people with expressive language disabilities where it is usually very difficult to determine if they have receptive language abilities. This population includes children with most types of autism, cerebral palsy and virtually all trisomies; young adults with ALS, MS and traumatic brain injuries; as well as many people with strokes and dementias such as Alzheimers.
Statistically, the United States is not typical of most of Planet Earth in that there are few genetic clusters; debilitating diseases are rare and health care is better. Working with the esteemed linguists and statisticians at the Summer Institute of Linguistics famed for 75 years of work at the ethnologue website, our tabulations by country suggest a world deaf tally of nearly 105 million and a planetary population of almost 400 million who cannot communicate using sound.