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On September 1, 1923 the Kantō quake struck. Between seismic damage, landslides,
firestorms, tsunamis and mob killings, it is estimated over 140,000 people died, making it
the deadliest earthquake ever to strike Japan so far. The quake had a magnitude of 7.9 on
the Richter scale, and there were nearly 60 aftershocks. Tokyo was severely damaged and
Yokohama was essentially destroyed. Sadly, among the buildings destroyed was the large
greenhouse of the Samuel Cocking Botanical Garden.
Enoshima is a small
island that is part of
and connected to the
city of Fujisawa at the
southern tip of the
Kanagawa Prefecture.
The city is famed for,
among other things,
the shrine to Minamoto
Yoshitsune and his
companion Benkei.
Enoshima itself hosts
the Samuel Cocking
Botanical Gardens,
funded by that British
trader's fortune made
importing carbolic acid
in the 1870s.