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Note that by law most
accommodations must be
permitted during district,
state and local tests. Of
particular interest is the
finding that allowing those
with conditions like dyslexia
some extra time does make a
significant differences in
their scores, BUT allowing
more time for most other
children who read at average
or better speeds does not
make a notable difference in
their scores.

So where are we headed with GAZELLE and its sister app ELAND?
California has a shattered economy whose repair will require
extraordinary effort: (1) more doctors, which means (2) more medical
schools and probably (3) more University of California campuses.
That, in turn requires, (4) better schools and something like (5) a
student to teacher ratio of 10:1 (4:1 for special education and 6:1 for
gifted). But California (no other states either) lacks anything close to
that number of teachers, hence a different type of assistant and
virtualized classes. Schools do not have enough money to operate now,
so, short of new taxes, (6) solar panels to raise revenues. Like most
states, California has (7) no money for more prisons so we'd like to use
some prisoners and parolees and probationeers to help build
California's part of (8) a high-speed rail network connecting Busan in
Korea via hypermodern super-urban areas ("supurbs") in California to
Belize. This all would have been much cheaper and easier years ago.
But all that is a whole other antelope.