So who would care if  the Gulf of Gonave or any other portion of Haiti was formed by an asteroid or
comet impact long ago.

We note that the Chicxulub crater is almost due west of Haiti.

Bottke, W.F.; Vokrouhlicky, D., Nesvorny, D. (
Nature September 2007) suggested that a violent
breakup 160 million years ago of the inferred 170-km-diameter carbonaceous-chondrite parent
body of the current asteroid Baptistina was the source of the Chicxulub impactor. That might imply
that other fragments slammed into earth at the same time, forming what is known as a crater chain.

It is also possible that among the ejecta thrown up by the primary impact there was a hunk that
splashed down to the east.

A third possibility is an impact but not one related to Chicxulub.

The SABLE results are not encouraging, but we'll ask some real professionals.

The motivation is that mineral deposits (iron, nickel, platinum ...) are often associated with impact
craters, as are nearby deposits of methane and petroleum. Haiti could use the money.    