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Someone asked why we always
include a HELP form like the
one pictured to the left. We
replied neither we nor anyone
else has a model that predicts
black swan events like the one
that occurred Monday, April
16, 2007 on the campus of
Virginia Tech in Blacksburg,
Virginia. In two separate
attacks, approximately two
hours apart, the perpetrator,
Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32
people and wounded 25 others
before killing himself. Cho, a
senior English major, had
previously been diagnosed
with a severe anxiety disorder.
During much of his middle
school and high school years,
he received therapy and
special education support and
had IEPs. Due to federal
privacy laws, Virginia Tech
was not informed of Cho's
previous diagnosis or the
accommodations he had been
granted at school. He was able
to purchase a gun despite
being adjudicated as mentally

Prior sample Eland screen shot
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