  2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 6,426,679 6,806,156 6,812,214
People/arable sq km 1635 1732 1636
Babies dying 1,087 1,151 1,084
AIDS - adults 3,672 5,637 4,592
Starving children < 5 3,382 3,582 2,488
Illiterate adults 119,652 126,717 83,095
Unemployed adults 342,452 362,673 244,913
Living in poverty 1,388,163 1,470,130 1,335,194
Drinking unclean water 12,853 13,612 6,812
No Sanitation access 32,133 34,031 27,249
Patients per doctor 261 277 272
Internet users 1,899,000 4,144,533 11,136,841
Cellular phones 8,404,000 16,103,735 18,891,497
Inflation 2.10% 2.31% 2.22%
GDP per capita US$ 26,800 33,540 33,750
Trade balance MM$ -3,230 -9,437 -6,100
Government spending -1,240 -1,659 1,376
Reserves 29,150 25,965 26,593
Currency rate to US $ 4.4565 4.4476 4.4446
External debt 83,100 82,770 82,987
Only the most fearless of demographers  deal with whether there will be 0, 1, 2 or 3 Palestinian enclaves, let alone whether any will be economically viable. Without maglevs no Palestine. More details  
All indications are that since probably the 1960s and certainly the 1970s Israel's technical and economic leadership is critical to southwest Asia, so we are unable to explain the hostility. When AIDS or the next pandemic sweeps through will researchers in Tehran or Timbuktu be developing vaccines?  Move the UN to the Golan Heights or Jerusalem.  
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