I-MAG STS Corporation
Prior sample Gazelle screen
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Give or take a zero here or there, there are quite a number of similarities
between California and Sudan. That's not promising because back in 2003
we forecast that if the then twenty-year civil war did not end shortly there
would be no possibility of any of the three regions (the west, known as
Darfur, the south and the north) surviving. Unfortunately, we could find no
strategy that salvaged the west and the north even if the south managed a
relatively peaceful separation. That has very negative consequences for
Chad, Egypt and Ethiopia, among others. That's all in the future and very far
away. Here and now, Californians cannot fight Californians.  Of that we are
certain. The Golden State's shortages of doctors and nurses vary by region,
but it is safe to say our state does not have enough medical professionals
for day to day activities, let alone if a mega-disaster strikes.
Even though California has been successful at harvesting the fruit of other
societies in terms of doctors, saints, Nobel laureates and old-fashioned
good citizens, such valued assets do not grow like weeds. They have to be
produced on tended trees at great cost through a uniquely human process
called education. It hardly matters if one prefers to measure the production
of farmers and firefighters instead of physicians and prisoners. Our report
card does not have good grades. And that matters. A great deal.