A typical in-person class
/1/ Students arrive; they are routed to four physically separated testing stations where, if needed, we
will test for COVID-19. Masks checked and hands rinsed with sanitizer after biometric signin.
/2/ students usually change shoes and possibly socks and shirts.
/3/ a tea of choice (or water) and a snack of 13 Treasures porridge is optional
/4/ a gong sounds for formal bows and salutes to begin the class
/5/ WuJi seated meditation
/6/ WuJi standing meditation
/7/ Chen Family warm-up exercises
/8/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - 18 movements set - done twice
/9/ Eight Brocades (Ba Duan Jin) Qigong exercises
/10/ Tai Chi ball exercises
/11/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan Double batons set
/12/ short break for tea or water
/13/ Yi Jin Jing (Tendon washing) Qigong exercises
/14/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - Lao Jia (Old Frame 1)
/15/ Tai Chi ruler exercises
/16/ grip ring exercises
/17/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - single saber set
/18/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - single sword set
/19/ a tea of choice (or water) and a snack of 13 Treasures porridge 
/20/ Wu Qin Xi (Five Animals) Qigong exercises
/21/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - Xin Jia (New Frame 1)
/22/ Tai Chi bang exercises
/23/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - staff set
/24/ Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan - spear set
/25/ short break for tea or water
/26/ Da Wu Qigong exercises
/27/ Taiji Yangsheng Zhang Qigong exercises
/28/ Tai Chi bar exercises with porcupine ball
/29/ Chen Family traditional Silk Reeling Exercises
/30/ formal bows and salutes between the students and the teacher or teachers. Gong sounds
/31/ a tea of choice (or water) and a snack of 13 Treasures porridge is optional
/32/ change shoes, socks and shirt.
/33/ biometric signout. hands rinsed with sanitizer. Scores and homework sent to parents and others.
/34/ As time permits we add Chen family style Tai Chi Chuan fork, Kwan dao, lau gar pole,
double sabers and double swords.
/35/ as well as Cannon Fist, New Frame 2 and Small Frame.
/36/ As time permits, Liu Zi Jue (Six Sounds), Shi Er Duan Jin, Mawangdui Daoyin Shu, and
Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Shi Er Fa Qigong exercises. Perhaps Baoding balls and Wing Chun rings
/37/ No plans to add bent bang or long bang exercises at this time
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