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I-MAG STS    Corporation
We assign scores for the strength of a society based on how the weakest
members are treated.
There are about 930 students in the fifteen schools of the Bering Strait
School District in western Alaska. 100% of the students are
economically disadvantaged; more than half are LEPers (Limited
English Proficiency); and the climate is Arctic. Recruiting teachers and
keeping them is a challenge, and Alaska does not have a history of
exceptional academic achievement. We hasten to point out Alaska
usually has better scores than California. Of course, so does nearly
everyone else. The reward for doing well in a Bering Strait high school is
to have to go thousands of miles away for college. There are virtually no
jobs to come back to. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. Rather than the
usual schemes of having low performing students skip tests; transfer
potential dropouts to the county office of education (Alaska has no
counties) or outright cheating, parents and teachers elected several
years ago to go in a different direction. A standards-based education
recognizes that students in a nominal age group not only learn at
different rates but even learn different subjects at varying rates. This
requires not only the construction of lessons that are associated with
specific test questions, but also the ability to record such lessons
(presumably streamed video) as well as advisors and students being able
to build a meaningful and attainable series of lessons.