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Generally, when a language drops below 20,000 speakers it is not a promising sign. We prefer four measures of literacy by language. A challenge occurs when there is no digital dictionary available for a language. For people who cannot read because they are blind or illiterate we'd like to use text to speech software to say the warning.   
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Djibouti   Eritrea     Ethiopia  
Population 757,074 Population 5,939,484   Population 90,873,739
Literacy 67.9% Literacy 58.6%   Literacy 42.7%
French 349,651 Tigrigna 2,606,628   Amharic 19,862,519
Somali 203,754 Tigre` 1,072,557   Oromo -West Central 9,130,667
Afar 107,885 Kunama 299,617   Oromo - Eastern 4,868,271
Arabic - Omani 41,257 Saho 298,583   Oromo - Borana-Arsi 3,951,767
Arabic - Ta`izzi 40,487 Bedawiyet 263,497   Somali 3,605,279
Amharic 1,951 Nara 198,447   Tigrigna 3,493,411
English 1,791 Arabic-Hadrami 179,338   Sidamo 1,995,328
Greek 1,412 Arabic-Sudanese 168,737   Gamo-Gofa-Dawro 1,404,514
Hindi 1,216 Arabic-Ta`izzi 155,865   Wolaytta 1,398,384
Tigrigna 1,011 Arabic-Hijazi 145,466   Afar 1,069,508
Ethiopia has another 80 languages. That means a lot of network connections and cores to send warnings.
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