For School Administrators
United States only
Workers' Compensation Insurance
We are NOT lawyers but here are comments from people who are
Check with your state agency and a knowledgeable local attorney
The definition: a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to
employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment
of the employee's right to sue their employer for the tort of negligence. Very complicated.
New Mexico - All businesses with three or more employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. Coverage may be purchased voluntarily if the business has fewer than three employees. Sole proprietors and are usually excluded from coverage, but can choose to cover themselves. Purchased from a commercial provider or New Mexico’s state-administered fund. Approved businesses may self-insure - see New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Administration
New York - Virtually every employer is required to provide workers’ compensation insurance for all employees (including family members, part- and full-time workers, and leased employees). Coverage isn’t required for sole proprietors or partners without employees, but they can purchase it for themselves. Purchased from a commercial provider or New York’s state-administered fund. Approved businesses may self-insure - see New York State Workers’ Compensation Board
North Carolina - All employers with three or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance for all employees (including minors and undocumented workers). Sole proprietors, LLC members, and partners are not automatically counted as an employee and may choose to be included. Purchased from a commercial provider. Approved businesses may self-insure - see North Carolina Industrial Commission
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