I-MAG STS Corporation
  2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 27,780,059 30,270,603 30,599,152
People/arable sq km 579 631 504
Babies dying 49,835 54,302 46,525
AIDS - adults 22,505 45,582 36,319
Starving children < 5 248,020 270,256 216,844
Illiterate adults 121,122 133,070 105,689
Unemployed adults 4,012,552 4,372,286 3,362,847
Living in poverty 9,167,149 9,989,299 8,873,754
Drinking unclean water 3,055,806 3,329,766 2,447,932
No Sanitation access 11,945,425 13,016,359 12,209,061
Patients per doctor 380 414 411
Internet users 1,700,000 3,710,219 9,969,789
Cellular phones 1,100,000 2,107,819 2,472,070
Inflation 19.80% 27.00% 12.30%
GDP per capita US$ 2,000 2,805 3,010
Trade balance MM$ 1,920 1,831 2,413
Government spending 82 -2,834 415
Reserves 4.300 5,258 5,381
Currency rate to US $ 1219.8 4212.6 3878.4
External debt 4,767 5,275 4,630
Only the most fearless of demographers deal with the various enclaves in eastern Uzbekistan and western Kyrgyzstan. There are a large number of possible maglev routes and supurb locations depending on actions by Uzbekistan's five immediate neighbors. We note that even the magical maglev struggles against persistent and resistant forces that manifest as high inflation.  The cost of cotton production is very high.