Current status: August 25, 2016
Coding and testing of the 20 forms (so far) needed for our software-
defined internet of things is complete.
After a series of lively discussions, we have more or less settled on some
preliminary designs for our smart garments to embed location (xyz
coordinates) sensors in. The garments are similar to what Wudang
Mountain stylists wear over basic tops (Shang Yi *) and pants (Ku **)
and are known variously as manteaus, shawls or veils (Pi Sha ***).
We have ordered several different color combinations from the nice
people at Should be here before September
Future directions
After some earnest appeals from a psychologist whose efforts we
esteem, we have agreed to rework some the reward features in SAITO.
We will eventually re-examine some of the work done at the
University of California at San Diego on associating facial expressions
with emotions. The original work was done on people with ASD.
On the hardware front we will pursue location sensors and whether
they require one hub per person.
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