I-MAG STS Corporation
  2007 2012 - no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 9,907,509 11,355,643 11,388,827
People/arable sq km 674 773 761
Babies dying 26,198 30,027 26,338
AIDS - adults 303,517 404,806 383,786
Starving children 316,010 362,200 249,740
Illiterate adults 1,633,471 1,872,228 1,497,084
Unemployed adults 3,421,459 3,921,558 3,425,531
Living in poverty 5,944,505 6,813,386 6,320,799
Drinking unclean water 2,675,027 3,066,024 2,277,765
No Sanitation access 4,359,304 4,996,483 4,384,698
Patients per doctor 63,919 73,262 39,961
Internet users 65,000 141,861 381,198
Cellular phones 290,000 555,698 651,895
Inflation 8.80% 10.08% 9.20%
GDP per capita US$ 1600 1990 2.040
Trade balance MM$ -290 -397 -403
Government spending -32.2 -447.2 1.52
Reserves 439.7 265.3 262.5
Currency rate to US $ 560.000 419.799 417.890
Malaria cases 891,676 1,022,008 968,050
External debt 1,400 1,496 1,407
It is not clear to us that the maglev and supurbs can prevent an agonizing social and economic collapse in Rwanda.  What else can? Nothing.