I-MAG STS Corporation
  2007 2012- no maglev 2012 - maglev
Population 3,204,897 3,757,750 3,758,842
People/arable sq km 5802 6803 4914
Babies dying 1,862 2,183 2,166
AIDS - adults 1,531 2,571 2,309
Starving children < 5 78,571 92,125 69,114
Illiterate adults 325,477 381,622 268,855
Unemployed adults 262,481 307,760 225,756
Living in poverty 455,095 533,600 402,196
Drinking unclean water 673,028 789,127 586,379
No Sanitation access 352,389 413,352 263,119
Patients per doctor 828 971 807
Internet users 319,200 696,648 1,871,975
Cellular phones 1,818,000 3,483,650 4,086,710
Inflation 3.20% 3.55% 3.35%
GDP per capita US$ 14,400 17,900 18,750
Trade balance MM$ 11,272 12,203 14,632
Government spending 1,450 4,631 2,542
Reserves 5,014 11,001 11,530
Currency rate to US $ 0.3845 0.3845 0.3845
External debt 3,465 3,828 2,410
Oman is, by our measures, well-governed, so the magical maglev has less effect.  Some interesting choices between a tunnel, a bridge or a hydrofoil ferry (purple lines). 